“Goldenloch Fishing” Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 02.20 Degrees – Secchi is 4 ft +
“The Goldenloch” 20/02/2022, Fishery Blog, Week 08.
After a week of chaos, a life changing experience, I am home, just to say, no matter what happens, the fishery will always be here, so will the Nicol family, everyone is always welcome, we are hoping for a good season at the “Goldenloch”, we are open every day come hell or high water, high or low pressure, talking about low pressure Saturday 19th just past, was a record of -9 hPs, that’s nearly 1/10 of a bar air pressure which I’m not sure, but it has to be a record at 300 ft above sea level, the effect on the fishing was devastating, I just spoke with Chris Ritchie at Eden springs, who said his boat anglers were saying the same as the guys that were here, but his bank fishing was OK, as all my guys were on boats they were just mega disappointed, but it was a week of wind / Gales, frost, snow and sleet, which I totally missed whilst I was in hospital, being confined to the barrack’s is going to be hard for me, but will allow me to finish my book (maybe) or convert the miles of cine to memory cards, Etc, whichever way it will not be wasted, as I have nearly a Tb of “Goldenloch” pictures to choose from, I may start putting old fishing pics up, looking forward the spring which will soon be upon us, the 1st of March is 8 days away, insects will already be starting to hatch, we know that there are green shoots growing under the water here, so under that will be hatching bloodworms, buzzers etc, the swans have managed to kick the 5 last years swanettes off the loch, allowing the hen and pen to mate producing hopefully a new crop of signets, interesting this year we seem to have a lot of ducks of various types and water fowl, talking about birds, this is the real hard time for our feathered friends so please keep up the feeding regime, I am buying various nuts and packs designed for wild birds, I hang them from bushes and fences, only to notice they are gone in a day, so when you go shopping to a garden centre or supermarket, use the change in your pocket to some good, buy some bird food, Just seen the weather forecast and this next week is not good, wind rain and more wind, take the time and put it to good use I will, MISS YOU ALL, John The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing or both, superb location in North East Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.ukjohn@goldenloch.co.uk