Week ending 27/aug/07 goldenloch
Fishing at the Goldenloch has never been so fickle as it is this year one day its fishing its head off and the next day you wouldn’t think there was a fish in the loch, we haven’t seen anything like this before, the water is crystal clear and at its maximum level, the temperature is 17 degrees, just perfect, yet the fish are only active in the early mornings and very late evenings, however for some guys during the day its just great fishing and they are getting good catches, like J Pratt, Dundee 3 and MJH Nicol using hares lug and PTN, 3 for 8lbs, Bob Nuttal 3 for 7lbs using buzzers, Stewart Bruce had 7 all released using buzzers, Jim Patton fishing with his grandson had 2 using green buzzers, Mr Marcus Smith fishing with his seven year old daughter had 3 for 12lbs and his daughter Ellie caught her first ever fish at 2lbs using a snatcher, well done for her, so what’s the problem, it seems that for some strange reason the fly hatches are happening in the very late evening and continuing right through to the early hours of the next day this happened last year for a while but quickly sorted itself when the nights started to get cooler just about the start of September, So lets all hope that this next week sees a more settled weather pattern and the fishing get back to normal.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.