Week ending 20/aug/07 goldenloch
Moving to a new house isn’t traumatic its frustrating and nowadays trying to get your broadband account to follow is just plain nuts, but a least we have managed to establish an old fashioned dial up, The fishing is very up and down just now with some guys, well most having a really good time, however some just cant manage, the fish are very active on the surface but wont take anything that the anglers are trying to tempt them with, 2 weeks ago CDC were working fantastic but ordinary buzzers weren’t, wet and dry traditionals were getting good results but only when a rise would happen, and if it was a really bright day it just didn’t happen that was what was wrong on tues and wed last week, when absolutely nothing was caught during the day by the more elderly fraternity that was fishing, but the calibre changed when Graham Connely, Kirkcaldy arrived and caught and returned six, Graham was using his float tube and found no problems in catching fish, so the fish have gone of the CDC but the anglers haven’t, mmmm perhaps they should be trying something else, yesterday say some pretty able guys turn up and yes everyone had full bags and returned quite a few, George Melrose Cupar gave himself a hard time as he went up the bank casting into the wind and the Burns brothers were not in their usual position but still managed to catch a pretty good bag returning 6, Strathmiglo A/C boys had a fine day with full bags and a few returned I Ramage Cupar 3 for 6lbs as did Derek Mitchell Scone but he was using a PTN, Now that we have moved house anglers please note that the old house will have nothing to do with the fishing so if possible try to stay out of the yard, we have signed same so it should be OK.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.