Week ending 14/may/07 goldenloch
Its been a really good week at the Goldenloch with nearly everybody catching their limit Diawl Bachs seem to be the fly that’s catching most, the red one, or a yellow consett budgie, Fritz and cats whiskers have not worked well as some lads found out but eventually managed to buy some diawl bachs from another angler and then they started catching. Tappitlaw club had 33 fish for 60 lbs and the lads from Tayside Transport with 9 rods had 20 fish for 45 lbs, the water is still a little coffee colored due to the gusty winds and the loch seems to fish much better in the morning till about 2, rather than late afternoon this we expect is due to the still really cold nights that we are getting and the bright sunny days, bank anglers are struggling a little just now due still to the very high numbers of really fat tadpoles that are going round the edges and the fish are just gobbling them up so to try and present a fly to them is a bit of a waste of time, yet first time visitor Mr Henderson, Dundee had 6 from the middle jetty using an olive damsel and commented that he had lost even more.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.