Week ending 26/mar/07 goldenloch
At last some decent day time weather at the Goldenloch is allowing anglers to enjoy their days sport, the fishing is still however very hard as the water temperature remains low, mostly due to the cold evenings and mornings, fish are starting to move and some are successful in catching them, mostly from the bank at the far end of the loch, Mr Gibson, Bridge of Earn caught and lost 4 using a consett budgie, The Discovery angling Club were here on Saturday and caught 19, most of these were from the banks and the far end of the loch, last week saw a big delivery of fish introduced not as a stocking measure but in the hope that they will stir up the fish already in the loch although the best tonic would be some real warm weather, without the cold winds.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.