Week ending 15/jan/07 goldenloch
Horrendous winds and rain this past week at the Goldenloch has seen the water level rise to its highest level ever, and its not that long ago since it was at its lowest, with next season uppermost in our minds just now we are making sure that a repeat of last years algae doesn’t happen again, the straw bales are in and rotting nicely and more will be going in soon, also our fish supplier as assured us that their will be fish to get for the coming season, with the disaster that happened back in September we had lost our resident stock of large Brown trout, so at that time we put in 500 6inch fish which we are pleased to say seem to be growing quite rapidly, it is our intention to supplement this with another batch similar if not bigger in size within the next month as well as the planned restocking for 2007, Mr Gibson, Bride of Earn, fishing from the bank had a few on Sunday one was a really nice fit 3.5lb rainbow, this week has been extremely quite due to the weather for those that have tried to fish we can only admire your determination.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.