Week ending 18/sept/06 goldenloch
This weeks report from the Goldenloch has been hard to write, as we had been looking forward to anglers enjoying their fishing after a long hot dry summer, with all its usual problems of low water, fish not feeding, fish not rising and all the other usual problems associated with running a fishery, your support and encouragement over the incident that has occurred here at the weekend is very much appreciated, most if not all of the fish have been killed and the loch is looking a bit empty, to-day for the first time ever we have been officially closed since my father opened it to the public way back, and we are waiting for SEPA to give us permission to reopen, and the Police are investigating it as a crime scene, The up side is that the insect life is intact and flourishing, the oxygen levels are climbing and the first large load of fresh new fish will arrive on Thursday, To try and help the public understand what has happened I can only explain that it was not poison that killed the fish but something that was introduced into the water that deoxygenised the water and it asphyxiated the fish, what ever it was it has now gone, and has not affected what fish remain, surprisingly a lot of the surviving fish are the bigger ones, as they managed to get out of the deoxygenated water, what else can we say other than we look forward to your company again, and for the lads that were always complaining about the lack of fish I now know that we had at least 1500 fish in the loch and on the arithmetic that we used to calculate our stocking we were spot on with our stocking levels of 150 / acre, so its not our fault you cant catch fish.