Week ending 24/07/06 goldenloch
This year at the Goldenloch is the driest ever and during this recent spell of hot weather (43 days) we have had two days of showers and 3 dull days, most days have however have been blistering hot, but the fishing is still very interesting with fish moving in all parts, some anglers are finding it very taxing and yet others just seem to get it right, bank anglers are getting the best catches by far and also the greatest amount of fun with fish chasing and drowning their flies and if the right flies are presented then catches are achieved, C Horsburgh, Anstruther took home 2 for 5lbs using sedges and his partner for the night W Robertson, Newport had 3 for 8lbs, Brian Stewart Dundee returned 6 using buzzers Having a really good evening with loads of fish rising all around them was J Thomson, Pitscottie and A Penrice, Ceres, using daddies and hoppers the lads lost quite a few but went home happy with 5 fish, The water temperature is high during the day but cools very quickly in the evening mostly due to it being crystal clear it makes early morning and late evening fishing particularly good and with anglers arriving from 4am onwards we rely on your discretion as to whether or not the fish are fit enough to be returned if they look exhausted then we would rather you took them as a catch. If this spell of hot weather continues we will have to consider as we did last year suspending catch and release.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.