Week ending 27/03/06 goldenloch
Anglers have had a very successful weeks fishing at the Goldenloch with everybody getting full catches plus, Mr B Meikle Pitlessie fishing from the bank and having numerous offers returned 3 using a green and black similarly Mr K McCarther, Kirkcaldy, taking advantage of the change in time arrived late on Sunday afternoon and caught 5 commenting that the fish were rising at about 6pm, Mark Stewart and Marcus Smith both from Dundee had a great time with 6 caught and 12 realised using buzzers, with the brown trout season now open we have this year added to the loch stock a considerable amount of plump pan sized brownies that are 1.5 to 1.75 lbs these fish have now become a favourite with some and are just perfect for eating, nearly every angler has caught at least one or two of these fish and surprisingly most have elected to put them back, the Discovery anglers had a brilliant day on Saturday with everyone getting there full catch and enjoying the first warm spring day, the fish were moving in all areas however the best results did seem to come from the bank at the far end.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.